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FDF webinar: How will Net Zero reshape your business?

Net Zero for the Food & Drink Industry

The business and regulatory landscape is rapidly changing in response to climate change. Delivering the UK’s binding commitment to net zero emissions by 2050 requires far-reaching changes in how we live, consume, make things and do business.

The road to Net Zero presents a wide range of challenges and opportunities for the food and drink industry, from farmers, producers, manufacturers and their supply chains through to retailers and consumers. Carbon reduction and energy efficiency are increasingly important issues for the sector.

Watch the webinar here:

NetZero webinar recording

In this webinar held by FDF, we covered:

  • why net zero and energy efficiency is an opportunity for food and drink manufacturers
  • examples of the types of measures, technologies and projects being implemented
  • challenges to energy efficient projects
  • funding models and requirements for funders – what ‘fundable’ looks like
  • where to start

Read more about Net Zero and our e-book, ‘The Power of Zero’ which serves as a guide for business leaders. Download your free copy here.


Ben Sheppard – Walker Morris LLP

Ben is a partner in the Infrastructure & Energy Group with nearly twenty years’ experience advising on energy and infrastructure projects including energy-from-waste, anaerobic digestion, effluent treatment, CHP, renewables and low carbon energy.

Leah Waterhouse – Lombard

Leah is a Director at Lombard who works to support both new and existing Lombard customers looking to become more sustainable and transition towards the lower carbon economy. This includes new lending for renewable assets as well as looking holistically at how the business can become more sustainable through behavioural and cultural change. She has a real passion for the renewables sector with the sector being a common thread throughout her career.

Dave Worthington – Verco

Dave is Verco’s Managing Director with over twenty years’ experience advising large global companies and governments on the transition to net zero carbon. This includes strategic target setting and net zero pathway development as well as energy efficiency and renewable energy project delivery.

NetZero webinar recording