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Information Security: ISO27001 and Cyber Essentials Plus

Walker Morris accredited as one of the leading law firms in information security.


Walker Morris has achieved certification with BSI to the international standard for Information Security Management (ISO27001:2013), which recognises its compliance with stringent criteria and symbolises the Firm’s commitment towards maintaining the highest possible standards for information security.

The combination of achieving ISO certification with a BSI Kitemark, one of the most recognised symbols of quality and safety, means that the Firm’s systems, performance and reliability are regularly subjected to rigorous independent external audit and testing.

Cyber Essentials Plus Logo

In addition to the Firm’s ISO27001 accreditation, Walker Morris has also been certified under the Cyber Essentials Plus Scheme, a Government and industry-backed standard which protects businesses against cyber threats. Walker Morris’ Cyber Essentials Plus certification demonstrates the Firm’s awareness of the importance of cyber security and provides independent assurance that Walker Morris has the fundamental technical security controls in place to defend against internet-borne threats.

Kathryn Farrar, Director of Risk, at Walker Morris commented:

“Breaches of information security can have a significant negative impact on organisations, including reputational damage, business disruption and regulatory penalties leading to serious financial impairment. All law firms have a responsibility to protect client money and assets as part of their regulatory obligations. Coupled with the backdrop of increasing cyber crime activity, the importance to protect confidential information has never been greater.”

Malcolm Simpson, Walker Morris’ Managing Partner said:

“Quality and integrity are part of our core values. For our clients this means delivering consistent high quality advice from lawyers they can trust.  The nature of our work often means that we handle extremely sensitive and confidential client information. The ISO certification reassures clients that we have robust systems and processes in place to protect their information and handle it with the appropriate care, sensitivity and safeguards it deserves.”

The BSI Assurance Mark ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management is a registered certification mark owned and operated by the BSI.