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Diversity & Inclusion Manager


Meet Jessica 's team

Jess is our Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Manager. She ensures that everyone, whether they’re colleagues, clients, or visitors, feel a genuine sense of belonging, value, and the freedom to be their authentic selves at Walker Morris. In her role, Jess works closely with people across the firm to ensure our D&I approach is targeted and impactful for everyone.

She finds it particularly rewarding to help individuals “breaking down their barriers and witnessing them reach their highest potential“. Jess considers the broader perspective in discussions concerning D&I. It’s crucial to her that every action is centred around people and considers the intersectionality of experiences.

In terms of working style, Jess leans towards being people-centred and adaptable. She acknowledges the dynamic nature of her role in D&I, aiming to remain approachable and flexible. Whether virtually or in person, Jess is always open for a coffee and a chat.

At Walker Morris, D&I is woven into the core of everyday life. Recognising the uniqueness of each individual and fostering inclusivity are fundamental values. Jess firmly believes that these principles enrich all the values upheld by the firm.

Her diverse background spans roles in trade unions, government, and the private sector.

Jessica Harvey
Diversity & Inclusion Manager


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Jessica 's contact details

Jessica Harvey
Diversity & Inclusion Manager


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