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Vikki Hoyle invited to speak at the 6th Annual PSE Merchant Acquiring Conference

Walker Morris senior associate, Vikki Hoyle, will be speaking at the 6th PSE Merchant Acquiring Conference on Thursday 17 November at Glaziers Hall, London.

For the past five years PSE Consulting has run a series of conferences for payments professionals which focus on the transaction acquiring, gateway and point of interaction markets. This year the Merchant Acquiring Conference will focus on the acquiring and on-risk elements of the transaction acquisition market.

The conference will be chaired by Chris Jones, Director at PSE Consulting and includes speakers from companies such as Barclaycard and WorldPay. Vikki’s presentation will focus on data protection and Brexit and whether this is considered bad news for acquirer processing.

In addition to Vikki, there will be key talks from:

  • Seamus Smith, Sage Pay – Integrate or Die: Adding value to SME Merchants in a Digital World
  • Rónán Gallagher, Alpha Payments Cloud – The fragmented payments ecosystem: connecting the dots with an acceptance API
  • Jeremy Nicholds – Mobile for payments – the inconvenient truth – it’s not about the payment!
  • Maria Vinogradova, Openway Group – Lessons learned from implementing complex acquiring platforms
  • Jon Prideaux, Boku – I can’t see the future of acceptance: it’s invisible!
  • Damien Cahill, WorldPay – Crypto Currencies, A Street Corner for the Millennial Generation
  • Colm Lyon, Pay with Fire – The challenges and opportunities of creating a new digital account product
  • John Alexander, Barclaycard – Techniques in managing falsely declined payments
  • Chris Jones, PSE – The Impact on Acquirers of ‘Merchant Marketplace’ platforms

Tickets for the conference are still available through the PSE Consulting website, to book click here.

Vikki Hoyle, Senior Associate, Regulatory at Walker Morris LLP