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Supporting Leeds Committee on Climate Change

Walker Morris helps Leeds to become a resource efficient city

Walker Morris is working with a partnership of key stakeholders as part of the Strategy Group of Leeds Committee on Climate Change.

The Committee has been established to help identify and develop a range of low carbon and energy efficient solutions for the city which will support its ambitions for economic and infrastructure development, inward investment and a healthier place to live and work .

The Committee brings together interested parties in the public, private and civic sectors who combine skills and experience to develop a strategy and then support the delivery of Leeds’ ambitious plan.

The independent body aims to help shape Leeds’ transition to a resource efficient and climate resilient city. It will initially be chaired by the University of Leeds and Leeds City Council will act as Vice-Chair.

Head of the Energy, Infrastructure & Government Group at Walker Morris is leading Walker Morris’ involvement. He commented:

“As a single site office based in Leeds we have a vested interest in the future of the city in which our employees work and live. Having a city which is climate resilient and resource efficient is not only vital for economic success but also to ensure that Leeds continues to be a great place to live. As such we are delighted to be able to bring our nationally recognised specialist expertise, gained over two decades of working with international and national organisations in the energy and projects sector, to the Leeds Committee on Climate Change.”

A city showing the effect of Climate Change