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Environmental law in practice

Watch our video series below to learn more about the key issues organisations face complying with environmental law.

Environmental law in practice is a very broad area, covering issues such as:

  • Air quality
  • Water quality
  • Waste management
  • Biodiversity, and;
  • Sustainability

All businesses have a moral and legal obligation to protect the environment.  For some businesses the risk to the environment is much higher such as in construction or waste management, but it’s hard to find a business that doesn’t impact the environment in some way.

There is a range of legislation in place to protect the environment and failing to comply with your obligations can result in:

  • Criminal liability (for businesses and individuals)
  • Civil sanctions
  • Reputational damage
  • Lost business

Environmental issues continue to grow in importance, both for individuals and for regulators trying to curb our impact on the natural world.  Key new themes on the environmental law agenda include:

  • The Net Zero Agenda – the Government’s commitment to meet its net zero target by 2050.
    1. Biodiversity Net Gain – a statutory mandated requirement for improving the biodiversity of development sites by 10%.
      1. Nutrient Neutrality – proposed legislative changes to address the impact of phosphates and nitrates entering watercourses as a result of development.

      Our video series, Environmental law in practice provides you with an entry-level overview of what you need to know to make sure you are putting your best foot forward and avoid any negative consequences from environmental oversight. Subscribe here to keep up to date with environmental issues.

      Watch our video series below to learn more about the key issues organisations face complying with environmental law.

      How our team can support you

      Our cross-disciplinary Environmental group contains expertise from teams across the firm and can help you with a wide range of environmental issues such as:

      • Delivering contentious and non-contentious advice on water, air and waste management, producer responsibility obligations, contaminated land, nuisance and permitting requirements.
        1. Providing a 24/7 incident response service. We undertake internal investigations, provide comprehensive advice and guidance on dealing with regulatory investigations, and ultimately represent our clients in interviews and court proceedings.
          1. Advising on planning projects that raise environmental issues, due to their effects on matters such as ecology, drainage, noise, or air quality.
            1. Providing comprehensive advice on waste management and minerals operations as well as energy from waste.
              1. Advising on renewable energy and decarbonisation projects; net zero transition plans; power purchase agreements; heat networks; voluntary carbon markets; energy storage; EV charging infrastructure.

              Contact any member of our team today to find out more.

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