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Did you know there are additional requirements for the importation of certain goods into the UK due to come into force in October 2021 and January 2022?

Did you know there are additional requirements for the importation of certain goods into the UK due to come into force in October 2021 and January 2022?

What does Brexit say

Phase 2 and Phase 3 of checks and processes at the GB-EU border will now come into effect in October 2021 and January 2022, following the government’s announcement of a revised timetable. For Phase 2, additional agri-food products will require pre-notification and documentation. For Phase 3, full import controls will apply on all goods and agri-food goods must pass through a Border Control Post.

What do we say

Though there will be no changes to the core import processes in October 2021, additional requirements in relation to some categories of goods subject to sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) controls (namely animal products (products of animal origin only), fishery products and live bivalve molluscs, high risk food and feed not of animal origin (HRFNAO) and plants and plant products) will be introduced. These requirements will include the need for additional paperwork, physical checks and specified entry points for goods that are to be imported. In January 2022, as part of changes to the Core Model for exports, further requirements will be introduced for all of the remaining goods subject to SPS controls including changes to the rules on marketing standards for imports.

Though the government has granted extra time to comply with new border checks and processes, businesses should not be complacent in ensuring they are in a position to comply with the new deadlines. Active steps must be taken to ensure businesses are able to implement all the necessary measures required under the new checks and processes at the GB-EU border.

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