27th February 2025
“A workforce including minors and young workers can be very beneficial to a business but if you don’t understand the specific restrictions on their duties and hours of work you could be subject to enforcement action from various authorities. My top tip is to get up to speed and remember to keep records.”
Do you have minors and young people in your workforce? Great! Employing minors and young workers can bring many benefits to a business – new energy, affordability, meet staffing needs. But here’s the question – are you compliant with the laws on employing young people in your business? If you’re unsure, read on.
Employing young people in your business is just the same as employing adults in terms of the basics – they still need written terms of employment, training and an induction. However, there are a few additional responsibilities and obligations to comply with which we will explain further.
First up – what age of employees are we talking about here?
We’re talking about employing individuals between the ages of 13 and 17 years old.
If we refer to a minor, we’ll specifically be referring to those aged 13 to 16 (or those of compulsory school age) whereas if we refer to a young person, we’ll be referring to someone over compulsory school age but younger than 18. The reason being that these two age groups are covered under different legislation and different working hours and restrictions apply to minors and young persons.
Compulsory school age is anyone who has not reached school leaving age and this differs in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. To find out the relevant school leaving ages, click here.
As a reminder, all minors and young people still need to have the right to work in the UK and the relevant checks completed before they are employed – we cover this further below including the additional considerations needed for Child Student visa holders.
Minors and young people can work part-time in your business subject to certain restrictions which are covered later.
In addition, young people can also work full-time hours.
Yes. If you employ or intend to employ anyone of compulsory school age you will need to apply for a work permit from the local authority (free of charge) before they start in their part-time role.
The work permit will need to be completed by you as the employer, but you will also need input from the individual’s school and their parent or carer.
Most applications for work permits can be dealt with online via the relevant local authority website and are free of charge. However, if you fail to obtain a work permit for a minor in your business, this could result in a fine of up to £1,000. We recommend ‘work permit obtained’ is added to any onboarding checklist to mitigate this risk.
If you employ minors the legislation to comply with in England and Wales is the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 (CYPA).
Under the CYPA, there are general restrictions and specific restrictions on working hours for minors.
The general restrictions are that minors:
There are specific restrictions on the number of hours minors can work during school term-time and school holidays. The below infographics set out the working hours restrictions. However, each local authority has different school holiday dates and therefore you should ensure you are aware of the school holidays for any minors you employ to ensure you’re being compliant. Again, we would recommend ‘school holiday dates obtained’ is added to any onboarding checklist and shared with their line manager to mitigate the risk of exceeding the hour restrictions.
Working hour rules during school term-time:
Working hour rules during school holidays:
For employees above compulsory school age (but under 18, typically 16- and 17-year-olds), the legislation to comply with in England and Wales is the Working Time Regulations 1998 (WTR). Finally, a piece of legislation you’re familiar with!
Under the WTR, there are different working time and rest obligations for young persons (defined as ‘young workers’ under the WTR) which differ from those applying to adults. The restrictions that apply generally to young persons under the WTR include:
As noted above, young persons should not work between 10pm and 6am – this is known as the restricted period. However, there are some exceptions to this which could apply in your business depending on business need or sector. If you would like advice on whether any exceptions would apply to your business, we can assist with this.
There is (understandably) significant regulation on what minors can (and cannot) do in the workplace which is aimed at ensuring their health, safety, well-being and education.
The CYPA stipulates that minors are only permitted to do “light work” – this means a job that will not affect their safety, health or development or interfere their school attendance or education.
In addition to the above, there are local byelaws set by each local council on what types of work a minor can and cannot do. Although these change from council to council, we’ve set out some generally accepted examples below:
If you are unsure if you can employ a minor for a particular role, you can seek assistance from the local council.
Here’s the typical lawyers answer you were waiting for…it depends.
For minors, they are entitled to be paid for any work they do for you, however there is no statutory restriction on what pay they should receive. However, we would recommend their rate of pay is fair and reasonable. As those under 16 years of age are not subject to National Insurance contributions, they only need to be added to your payroll if their total income exceeds their Personal Allowance.
For employees over compulsory school age (i.e., young persons) they must receive the National Minimum Wage applicable to their age and their payments should be processed through your payroll system. The current rates for NMW can be accessed here.
As covered already, minors must have a two-week break per calendar year from any work during school holidays. However, for young persons (i.e., those over compulsory school age) they have a statutory right to paid annual leave under the WTR.
No. You should still obtain the usual right to work check documentation to ensure that they have the right to work in the UK. There is no difference here and you must obtain acceptable evidence as per the Home Office’s guidance.
Yes. Firstly, a Child Student visa holder under 16 years old cannot work at all during their time in the UK.
However, a Child Student who is aged 16 or above is allowed to work but the following restrictions will generally apply:
In addition to the above, there are specific restrictions on the type of work a Child Student visa holder can do. The Home Office stipulates that in no circumstances can a Child Student undertake any of the following work:
Conducting an online right to work check using a ‘share code’ will confirm what work restrictions are applied to the Child Student you are looking to employ. If you are uncertain on what restrictions will apply, we can assist with this.
In addition to carrying out an online right to work check, for Child Students who are permitted to work for a limited number of hours per week during term time you must also obtain, copy and retain details of their academic term and vacation times covering the duration of their period of study in the UK for which they will be employed. The dates should be provided by the education provider who is sponsoring the Child Student’s visa. You should not rely on a copy of the education provider’s website and instead should obtain written confirmation specific to the Child Student and the course they are enrolled on.
It will be essential to monitor a Child Student’s working hours to ensure they are not exceeding their permitted term time limit, particularly where overtime is being undertaken.
If a Child Student does work beyond what their immigration permission allows, for example if they work more than 10 hours per week during term time, they will be considered by the Home Office to be working illegally. In these circumstances, you would be liable for civil illegal working penalties of up to £45,000 per illegal worker for a first-time offence, or up to £60,000 per illegal worker for repeat offences within a 3-year period.
Other things to consider when employing minors and young persons, include:
The pitfalls usually experienced by employers when employing minors and young people is generally the lack of record keeping or monitoring of working hours.
Here are our top tips:
If you fail to pay minors or young people correctly or breach restrictions on working hours and rest periods, you will be at risk of enforcement action from HMRC and the local authorities and subject to warnings, penalties and fines. This is just the same as with adult employees.
If you would like any assistance or advice on employing minors and/or on student visa requirements, please reach out to our employment and immigration teams for advice.