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WM video nuggets: The Future World of Work: Life After Lockdown

We recently held a live webinar ‘The Future World of Work: Life After Lockdown’ covering the key health and safety and employment considerations for employers as the lock-down eases.

Below are a range of bitesize videos taken from the Q&A section of the webinar covering some very important questions.

Click here to watch our full webinar recording.

Will employers be expected to pickup some of the cost of furloughed employees after August?

Is anxiety about using public transport a valid reason not to return to the workplace?

Can employees be forced to take holidays?

Can I tell employees if a co-worker has tested positive for Covid19?

People who find it difficult to work at home all of the time but they’re coming into work some of the time, can they argue that this is consistent with the guidance?

Do we need evidence of health issues?

Does the Health and Safety Representative have to be nominated by the employees?

If over 70’s return to the workplace, of their own choice does the business face a great liability if they get covid19, even if they’ve done everything possible, including providing PPE?

What happens when employees raise concerns about safety in their workplace and they’re not satisfied with the outcome?

Can we require employees to have their temperature checked each day before entering the workplace?

Learn more on our Future World of Work hub here.

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