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Celebrating International Women’s Day at Walker Morris

International Women’s Day is a global acknowledgement and promotion of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender equality. This year, Walker Morris demonstrated support of the day through three initiatives.

The colour, purple, has become an international symbol for women and is especially displayed on International Women’s Day. Walker Morris employees embraced the colours as well, dressing up in their best purple clothing and raising awareness of the celebration.

Walker Morris will also be showing support through two forms of charitable donations. Throughout March, Walker Morris employees will be donating to two local women’s charities: Smart Works Leeds and Leeds Women’s Aid.

Smart Works are an organisation of several centres dedicated to helping women return to employment. Through one-to-one interview coaching and providing interview-appropriate clothing and accessories to clients, Smart Works provide an incredible service to those in need. Over 1 in 2 Smart Works clients succeed in their job interviews and we at Walker Morris are delighted to support them in their cause. Walker Morris employees will be donating interview-appropriate clothing and accessories for the rest of the month.

Leeds Women’s Aid is a charity which provides services to women and children affected by domestic violence and abuse. The charity’s services are extensive, including emergency accommodation, one-to-one services and community support initiatives. Donations from Walker Morris employees will include toiletries and children’s clothing.

In December, Walker Morris celebrated the festive period through donating to two charities again. Entering the 16th year of donating to the Christmas Gift Appeal with KidsOut, Walker Morris broke their personal record of donations and also donated nearly 600 meals to Leeds North and West Foodbank.

To find out more about helping these causes, you can visit Smart Works here and Leeds Women’s Aid here.
