Walker Morris / News & Insights / Our Planning & Real Estate teams advise East Herts Council on milestone 10,000 new homes
Walker Morris / News & Insights / Our Planning & Real Estate teams advise East Herts Council on milestone 10,000 new homes
14th February 2025
East Herts Council has recently issued planning permission for 10,000 new homes and strategic infrastructure in the Gilston Area, which forms a key part of the wider Harlow & Gilston Garden Town. The Walker Morris Planning and Real Estate teams have tirelessly supported and advised on this project.
This is a significant milestone achievement for the region in addressing local housing needs, improving community infrastructure, and driving regional growth. The outline planning permissions comprise 8,500 homes for Places for People across six villages and 1,500 homes for Taylor Wimpey in a seventh village.
In addition to the new homes, the development includes businesses, retail, sports, leisure, and healthcare facilities, community spaces, parks and open spaces, new primary and secondary schools, and early years facilities.
The outline permissions are a significant milestone in advancing the Gilston Area development proposal identified in the Council’s 2018 District Plan.
The planning applications were considered by the District Council’s Development Management Committees on 28 February 2023 and 23 March 2023, where it was resolved that permission be granted subject to the finalisation of conditions and completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure the necessary infrastructure.
Discussing the planning permission, Lee Gordon said, “Myself and the whole team are really proud to have supported East Herts Council and other Garden Town partners to help achieve this important milestone for the Gilston Area.
“This most recently included a joint section 106 agreement (over 700 pages) across two strategic applications and related advice. The education infrastructure alone includes two new secondary schools and up to seven primary schools.
“It’s been quite a journey to get to this stage. The commitment from all involved has been second to none, and I’m so pleased for the officers who have worked tirelessly to help deliver on the vision and local plan allocation to deliver strategic growth planning.”
Our team was led by Planning Partner Lee Gordon and supported by a cross-disciplinary team that included Josh Fraser (Planning), Josh Kitson (Planning), Rebecca Delaney (Planning), Emma Jowett (Planning), Ellis Cleland (Planning), Helen Auden (Real Estate) and Chris Woodthorpe (Real Estate); Lynsey Oakdene and Sarah Ward (Public Law).
For any enquiries, please contact our Press team.