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Walker Morris announces Candlelighters as its 2017 Charity of the Year

Walker Morris is on the starting blocks ready for an exciting year of fundraising for Candlelighters.

Following a successful year of fundraising for the Bone Cancer Research Trust, Walker Morris is pleased to announce Candlelighters as its 2017 chosen ‘Charity of the Year’.

In the last 12 months the Firm has raised over £16,122.45 for Bone Cancer Research Trust, which will be used for vital clinical research and improved early diagnosis and referrals.

Walker Morris will launch its year of fundraising with the Leeds Abbey Dash race taking place on Sunday 6 November. This year’s runners are: Justin Coley, Lee Crook, Jack Heward, Thomas Jackson, Rebecca Parker, Lauren Sinclair-Williams and Lucy Wild.

The 10k race will be the first major fundraising event for Candlelighters and is part of a series of charity events that will be taking place throughout the year. The Firm has also recently taken part in a Halloween dress down day, bake sale and golf day which raised a total of £666.51 for the Candlelighters.

Louise Power from the Firm’s Charity Committee explained:

“We are delighted to announce Candlelighters as our charity for 2017. Our charity is nominated and chosen by our employees and aims to highlight the importance of making a positive contribution to the local community.

Candlelighters is a charity close to our hearts due to the support they have recently provided to one of our employees. It is a privilege to support the charity to enable them to continue to care and support children and their families fighting children’s cancer across Yorkshire.”

Brian Curran, Candlelighters Corporate Fundraiser, said:

 “We are thrilled that Walker Morris staff have chosen to support Candlelighters and we are looking forward to working with them over the next 12 months. They will make a significant difference to our fundraising efforts to help local children with cancer and their families.”

Candlelighters has been supporting children with cancer, and their families, for over 40 years. Every year about 150 children in this region are diagnosed with cancer and all of them are offered support by Candlelighters. They fund a number of different services including Play Leaders on the ward and outpatient clinic at Leeds General Infirmary as well as the radiotherapy department at St James. Every family whose child is under treatment is offered a holiday. Their Family Support Centre, near LGI offers physical and emotional support to all family members as well as a number of complementary therapies. Groups for parents, grandparents and siblings are offered to help all family members cope in such challenging circumstances. They have recently started to take their services to all parts of the County through a converted, single decker bus.

To sponsor the Walker Morris team visit our Candlelighters fundraising page.

To find out more about the Candlelighters visit:

Abbey Dash Runners November 2016