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Walker Morris hosts inaugural Retail Finance Lunch

Leading figures from the retail finance sector gathered to hear three highly esteemed speakers at the Walker Morris Retail Finance Lunch on 15 June.

Over 30 senior figures from the industry attended the inaugural Retail Finance Lunch, which was hosted at the renowned London restaurant, The Ivy.

The lunch included presentations from three prominent industry figures including:

Julian Knight

  • Conservative MP for Solihull, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on alternative lending
  • previously a BBC personal finance and consumer affairs reporter and money editor of The Independent

Chris Pond

  • Chair of the Lending Standards Board
  • Vice Chair of the Financial Inclusion Commission, and a member of the Treasury Advisory Panel on Fintech
  • former Labour MP for Gravesham and Work and Pensions minister in the Blair government who helped set up the Money Advice Service during his time as a director with the FSA.

Kevin Peachey

  • BBC Personal finance journalist
  • prolific contributor to the ‘Your Money’ section of the BBC website
  • acknowledged as one of Twitter’s best purveyors of financial information on all aspects of money management, saving and investment.

Jeanette Burgess, partner in the Retail Finance Group at Walker Morris, said:

“Like many other sectors, the retail finance industry is facing unprecedented challenges as it adapts to a shifting regulatory market and changing economic and political conditions. At times like this it is increasingly important to share knowledge and expertise and to work with trusted business partners and it’s why we decided to host our first Retail Finance Lunch. 

“I would like to thank everyone who attended the event for their contribution to such informative and interesting discussions. In particular, on behalf of all the Walker Morris Retail Finance Team, I’d like to thank our speakers.  Their unique experience and knowledge really led the debate and provided us with some surprising insights on a number of key themes.”

With over two decades of experience in Retail Finance, the Walker Morris team works nationally and internationally with some of the biggest names in the industry. With over 22 industry-leading partners and more than 100 lawyers the cross-departmental Group can provide the expertise, experience and knowledge that retail finance providers can rely on.

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