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Packaging EPR: Yet another delay!

The way that UK businesses carry out their recycling responsibilities has changed. The packaging EPR scheme requires producers of packaging to collect and report data on the amount and type of packaging that they place on the market. This data is then used to calculate the fees payable. However, payment of these fees to cover the cost of managing the packaging has been delayed from January 2024 to October 2025.

Packaging EPR

As we reported in our May 2023 newsletter, the way that UK businesses carry out their recycling responsibilities is changing. From 1 January 2023, all businesses that handle and supply packaging must comply with the new extended producer responsibility (EPR) data recording and reporting requirements.

Producers within the food and drink sector must be aware of the changes, as the first data reporting deadline, for large organisations, is already upon us (1 October 2023). Whilst small producers must collect data, they will not be required to report on this data until 1 April 2024.

This data is required to calculate the fees that these producers will be required to pay to cover the cost of managing this packaging as part of the packaging EPR scheme. However, whilst payment of these fees was originally scheduled to start in 2024, the additional costs imposed by the EPR will now come into force in October 2025.

How we can support you

You can find a detailed explanation of the packaging EPR here. Walker Morris’ specialist Environment and Regulatory lawyers are experienced in advising food and drink businesses on all aspects of their environmental regulatory obligations.  As well as keeping you up to date with legal and regulatory developments, we can provide tailored legal and strategic advice to help ensure your business’ compliance with the new packaging waste and data reporting requirements.

Explore more updates for food and drink businesses in this edition of our Food & Drink Update.