Alex is an Associate in our Commercial Team. During her six years’ of experience, Alex has developed specialties in data protection and commercial agreements within media and IT sectors. Typical clients include those in food and drink, manufacturing, logistics, property development, media and IT.
Alex is able to simplify complex legal issues and finds that providing straightforward and efficient advice is most rewarding. Communication is key for Alex. This ensures a thorough understanding of crucial client demands, how a client envisages an issue to be dealt with and strict adherence to any imposed time frames.
By fully grasping her client’s perspective, Alex deploys a methodical, thorough approach. Alex is straight talking, amenable and pro-active. With new instructions, Alex is able to appreciate the matter through the eyes of the client and can therefore tailor bespoke advice accordingly.
Alex is a member of Walker Morris’ Horizon Group as well as a mentor for junior lawyers, she has a particular passion for increasing accessibility for others to progress with their legal careers. Alex is part of the Law Ambassador Programme with BPP Law School.