Timely and efficient access to finance, which truly fits in with the needs and demands of the lending business, can have a real impact on what that success looks like and how quickly it can be achieved and maintained.
There are a large range of different funding types available from specialist lenders willing to come in at different stages of a business’ cycle. Navigating a way through this needs a clear view of where a business is, and where it wants to get to. If you work with us we’ll make sure we have that visibility, so we can offer you the commercial and strategic solutions that will really make a difference.
Our team has a lot of experience dealing with the funding needs of lending businesses in both the SME and regulated consumer spaces. We advise on a variety of arrangements, including warehouse/SPV, forward flow, loan on loan and senior loan facility structures.
What sets us apart is the ability to pull together resource from our regulatory, commercial and corporate practices and deal with all of our clients’ needs under one roof. Our dedicated alternative lending team understands the needs of our clients in this area, and we all benefit from working from our Leeds base, which acts as a centre of excellence with national and international reach.
We also act on the specialist lender side for a number of clients to help put in place their loan and security documents. When required, we can provide streamlined and commercially focused “red flag” due diligence on the underlying loan document suite.
As part of helping clients with their ongoing loan book management, we regularly work on loan portfolio sales and acquisitions, including spot sale and ongoing forward flow arrangements. We also act for lenders in both the sale and acquisition of single account loan arrangements, both secured and unsecured, whether at a discount or at par value with a full suite of negotiated warranties, and have experience utilising a range of legal tools including assignment and assumption, novation, or sub-participation.
It’s important for us to take the time to understand our clients’ needs and have an agreed transaction plan to ensure that there’s no duplication of focus or effort. And by having a clear picture of what’s required from the outset, we can make sure we have the right resource allocation to meet your project deadlines.
Comment & Opinion
3rd February 2025
Comment & Opinion
22nd October 2024