This includes both stand-alone litigation claims and also follow-on damages claims, which can be established following the findings of competition authorities.
There has also been a growth in collective redress claims and group litigation against businesses in the UK, where consumers group together to bring claims, which, when combined, can have significant value attached to them.
We have a great deal of experience advising clients on these complex areas of dispute resolution and helping them to achieve successful outcomes to disputes that arise from competition law. Our practice is supported by specialist competition lawyers working in conjunction with highly experienced disputes lawyers with expertise in running large-scale, complex, cross-border disputes. Working together we have also defended companies implicated in cartels.
We also regularly deal with competition law arguments in civil proceedings or in a pre-action context where such arguments can be used to leverage early settlements. Competition law arguments can be used both as a shield to justify a party’s conduct or a sword to prevent or terminate anti-competitive behaviour.
Our experience in the private enforcement of competition law is supported by extensive experience helping clients make complaints about third parties to the Competition and Markets Authority and regulatory authorities, as well as advising businesses and individuals under investigation by the authority.
Comment & Opinion
27th March 2025